About Us

Welcome to The Lazy Reviewer!

Hey there, fellow creatives and doodle enthusiasts! I'm thrilled you've stumbled upon our little corner of the internet. Here at The Lazy Reviewer, we're all about blending humor with the serious business of reviewing journals and art supplies. After all, why should reviewing products be a snooze-fest? Let's inject some laughs into the mix!

So, who’s the mastermind behind this mishmash of merriment? That would be me, your trusty guide through the wild world of journaling and art. My name’s Alex, but you can just call me the Chief Jest Officer (CJO for short). I’m a self-proclaimed connoisseur of comedy and creativity, with a penchant for puns and a flair for funny business.

Why did I embark on this quirky quest, you ask? Well, it all started when I realized that the world of journaling and art supplies was missing a crucial ingredient: laughter! Sure, there are plenty of serious reviewers out there waxing poetic about paper quality and pigment intensity. But where’s the fun in that? I believe that art should bring joy, and what better way to spread joy than with a healthy dose of humor?

But it's not just about making you giggle (though that's a big part of it)

We’re also committed to providing honest, insightful reviews that help you make informed decisions about your creative endeavors. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a newbie just dipping your toe into the world of journaling, we’ve got something for everyone.

So, what can you expect from our reviews? Well, aside from the occasional bad pun (or three), you’ll find thorough evaluations of each product’s performance, usability, durability, and overall value. We’ll give you the lowdown on everything from the smoothness of the paper to the ergonomics of the pen grip, all delivered with a side of silliness.

But enough about us—let’s talk about you! We want The Lazy Reviewer to be more than just a website; we want it to be a community—a place where artists and journalers from all walks of life can come together to share tips, tricks, and, of course, plenty of laughs. So don’t be shy! Drop us a line, leave a comment, or hit us up on social media. We’d love to hear from you!


Thanks for stopping by, and remember: life’s too short for boring journals and dull art supplies. So grab your sketchbook, sharpen your pencils, and join us on this hilarious (and occasionally informative) adventure!


Keep laughing and creating,



Chief Jest Officer (CJO)

The Lazy Reviewer